

Dear Woodland Hills Family,

You may be immune to this sort of thinking.  I am not.  It happens whenever I step back to take a look at my life’s accomplishments.  It’s especially acute when I compare my accomplishments with others’ (yes, I know comparisons are dangerous).  Inevitably, these look-backs produce varying degrees of discouragement.  The voice in my head says things like:

-Where are those noteworthy contributions you’ve generated?

-What significant impact have you made?

-What has become of those large-scale changes-for-the-better
you’d hoped to initiate?

-And don’t forget–time is marching on relentlessly!  How realistic
are those dreams now?

During one of my recent bouts with such discouragement I came to the story of Noah in Genesis 6:8-9.  “But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord… Noah was a righteous man; blameless in his time.  Noah walked with God.”

Upon reflection, here’s what I wrote in my journal:

Lord, I am not positioned for greatness; I haven’t made noteworthy accomplishments; my gifting is not remarkable; and I have never been at the top of my class.  My report card is not going to be very exciting and there’s little I can do about it…

But through Noah’s life I hear You telling me that significant contribution and impact are within my reach.  I can do what Noah did–I can be a righteous man; I can be blameless in my time; I can walk with You.  And by this I, like Noah, can find favor in Your eyes.

Lord, I resolve (again, for the thousandth time) to live today and every day in the pattern of Noah:  righteous & blameless & walking with You.  I choose these over the desire for accomplishment and visibility.  Your favor shall be sufficient accomplishment for me.


Boa and child bathing

Mr. Shepherd