What’s On Your Inside?

What’s On Your Inside?

Termites. The word strikes fear in the heart of a homeowner.

A few weeks ago, as part of the fellowship hall remodeling project, we were taking out a couple of walls. While doing so we came across some wall studs with… termite damage! Yikes!

Things got real serious, fast. All of us who were working that day dropped everything to come study the situation. We removed more sheetrock and studs and found… more termite damage! We were holding our collective breath… would we see any active termites? We knew we had to keep opening up the walls in every direction… Finally we came to the end of the damage. And fortunately we hadn’t seen any active termites. But we wanted a professional to take a look so we called an exterminator.  He agreed that there were no active termites, but he sprayed the entire area as a precaution. After some discussion, the elders decided it would be wise to have the entire building treated. Just in case.

Why all the commotion? Everyone knows termites can destroy a structure. And the frightening thing is… while it’s happening everything looks just fine, but they’re eating the building from the inside out.

It’s a bit like our spiritual lives, isn’t it? On the outside we might look like everything’s fine. But on the inside we’re being eaten alive by termite-like anger, resentment, or bitterness. Or unforgiveness. Or envy or jealousy. Or lustful desire. Or greed. Or secret sins.

Are you brave enough to ask God to take a careful look around? Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! See if there is any offensive way in me. (Ps. 139:23-24)

If found early enough termites can be exterminated and their damage repaired. Such would no doubt be inconvenient and an unwelcome expense. But it sure beats having the whole house come crashing down. And this is true in the spiritual realm as well.