God’s Compassion

God’s Compassion

Do you sometimes find yourself drifting toward despair concerning our nation’s spiritual state? I do. Look around. The moral decay is accelerating at an alarming rate.

Some decades ago we as a nation grew to be a people of spiritual apathy. Then, over time that apathy became god-less-ness. We operated as if God just wasn’t in the picture. We did whatever we pleased. Wickedness abounded.

But I’d say in the last 15 years or so our god-less-ness has been eclipsed by a defiant, in-your-face repudiation of moral standards. We rage against any who would curb our actions. We vehemently reject any notion that we might be accountable to the Devine. We hate God and everything He stands for. And we go nuclear if someone mentions Jesus Christ!

I fear that if we have not already been “given over” (Romans 1:24, 26, 28), we are dangerously close to that point of no return.

Yet to my despairing heart the Spirit whispers the word of God to Jonah: And should I not have compassion on Nineveh, that great city…?

Indeed, despite the depth of our spiritual morass, God is still calling people to Himself and saving them! Wonderfully, the forty days have not expired. He continues to extend compassion toward us as He did toward Nineveh.

Father in Heaven, we turn our despairing eyes to You. Undeserving as Nineveh, yet assured of Your mercies through Jesus Christ, we implore You for Nineveh-like compassion unto repentance. Amen.

Life's Mantra
Deja Vu