Pastor's Blog (Page 31)

Pastor's Blog (Page 31)


Dear Woodland Hills Family, This time of year our calendars tend to be sprinkled with commencement celebrations–occasions which highlight past accomplishments as graduates “commence” upon a future of hope and possibility. Commencements are often marked by statements of purpose and intent — goals. A lot is revealed about a person by his or her…


Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh. ~ Genesis 2:24 Consider the recent string of attacks our President and his administration have made on God’s holy institution of marriage: Feb 23, 2011 — Attorney General Eric Holder, at President Obama’s directive, announces that the…


Dear Woodland Hills Family, Isn’t this an accurate reflection on our receptivity to criticism? When I saw this, I immediately thought of our study this past Sunday on “being subject to one another.” What an uncomfortable message that was!  I didn’t enjoy studying for it or giving it. I guess it hit a little too close to home. As a matter of fact,…

Red Plate Tradition

Dear Woodland Hills Family, Down through the years our family has observed the Red Plate Tradition. When something special happened to you or when you made a noteworthy accomplishment, you got the Red Plate for supper! Our little journal of Red Plate Remembrances includes things like: * Courtney–was brave at the dentist today. * Elisabeth–had a great report…


Dear Woodland Hills Family, The Greek man in this shocking photo set himself on fire because he can’t pay back his home and business loans. The suicide rate jumped 40% in severely debt-ridden Greece last year. More than one in five is unemployed and the economic distress is spawning violent protests and riots. Last week a pharmacist shot himself outside the Greek…

Via Dolarosa

Dear Woodland Hills Family, As I have been studying and reflecting on the events surrounding Christ’s crucifixion, I came across this artwork depicting the Via Dolarosa (the”Way of Suffering”) which Jesus took as He carried His cross to the place of His death. In this piece, artist Jon McNaughton depicts a large crowd standing by as Jesus carries His…