Pastor's Blog (Page 8)

Pastor's Blog (Page 8)

Deja Vu

In the latter part of Acts 9, two men from Joppa came the 10 miles or so to Lydda to find Peter. They earnestly entreated him to come back with them to Joppa right away. Tabitha, a beloved disciple, had just died. Step into Peter’s sandals for a moment. If you were Peter, when do you suppose you would have begun to notice the similarities between this event and that…

God’s Compassion

Do you sometimes find yourself drifting toward despair concerning our nation’s spiritual state? I do. Look around. The moral decay is accelerating at an alarming rate. Some decades ago we as a nation grew to be a people of spiritual apathy. Then, over time that apathy became god-less-ness. We operated as if God just wasn’t in the picture. We did whatever we pleased.…

Life’s Mantra

Are you familiar with the Harley Davidson slogan? Life’s a journey; enjoy the ride! I enjoy hearing and reflecting on various slogans about life. Some of them are great. Others, not some much. For example: The purpose of our lives is to be happy. (Dalai Lama) l find it constructive to reflect on how they align with what Jesus says about life. We would…

What Do You do With Affliction?

Affliction is a state of pain, distress, grief, or misery. Who on earth would wish to be in such a state? Well, surprisingly, the psalmist found affliction to be a friend. Amazingly, he was even thankful for the affliction that had come his way: Something about affliction can bring us to our senses. It can soften resistance and make us ready to learn. Affliction…

What’s On Your Inside?

Termites. The word strikes fear in the heart of a homeowner. A few weeks ago, as part of the fellowship hall remodeling project, we were taking out a couple of walls. While doing so we came across some wall studs with… termite damage! Yikes! Things got real serious, fast. All of us who were working that day dropped everything to come study the situation. We removed more…

Give Thanks

You probably get the same answers I do when I ask people how they are doing. Responses range from “Great!” to “Rotten!” and everything in between. A friend of mine, whom you may know, often answers that question this way: “It is well with my soul, and I’m dealing with the rest.” Isn’t that great?! It’s a conscious…