Divine Interruption

Divine Interruption

Are you familiar with the unpleasant experience of being interrupted? Most of us know the feeling all too well. We find such inconsideration and rudeness quite distasteful.

It was at Cornelius’ home that Peter, having just begun to communicate the message of salvation in Jesus Christ, was very forcibly interrupted. In his own words, “As I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell upon them…” * It sounds as though he fully intended to say more. But he was cut off. Mid-sermon. Maybe even mid-sentence.

Rather than being offended, however, Peter recognized this as a Divine interruption. And yielding to the Holy Spirit, Peter quickly got on board.

We speak of Divine appointments and have a mindset to welcome them. How about Divine interruptions? Are we as welcoming of them?

Do we give Him permission to interrupt? To press “Pause” on what we were doing so He can take the lead? To redirect us? To change our course? To take the focus off of us?

Holy Spirit, though it is not natural to us, we invite You to create in our hearts a yielded receptivity to Your agenda and timing. Interrupt us as needed. After all, we are Your temple. We reaffirm our commitment to walk by the Spirit and not to grieve You.

* Acts 11:15