Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

In the opening pages of his gospel, Matthew informs us that the King entered our world as an infant. Matthew contrasts Him with that very small man who called himself Herod the Great. Remember the despot who was so threatened by what the magi said that he slaughtered all the babies in and around Bethlehem?

Fast-forward from His infancy to the triumphal entry into Jerusalem of the real King of the Jews. How does He enter? Humble and mounted on a donkey, even on a colt, the foal of a donkey.

This Palm Sunday we’ll direct our worship to this humble King who is just and endowed with salvation. For He came to save His people from their sins. But not on a white horse leading a powerful army. Not in forced servitude. No, He came to suffer punishment for sins He never committed. That all who invite Him to be their King might be liberated from their bondage and absolved of their trespasses. And get this! In one of the strangest twists of all–He invites those He’s liberated to one day reign with Him! Is this not the most upside-down way of conquering you ever heard of?

But certainly the most praise-worthy!