Pastor's Blog (Page 6)

Pastor's Blog (Page 6)

boldly proclaiming

As we have been working our way through the book of Acts, we came recently with the Apostle Paul to the city of Athens. Athens, you may remember, was home to the great philosopher and teacher Socrates. Are you aware that Socrates was sentenced to death by a jury of 500 fellow citizens of Athens? And do you know the charge against him? Socrates was found guilty of refusing…


Our journey through the book of Acts is bringing to life places like Derbe, Philippi, and Berea, where Paul and his missionary colleagues have boldly proclaimed the news of forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus Christ. But they’ve paid a price, too! They’ve been beaten, thrown in prison, and run out of town on a rail. For this Sunday’s worship…


Isn’t it amazing how just one missing letter changes the entire meaning? (It appears the “c” has fallen down behind the “u.”) I’ve titled this picture Food for Thought (pun intended on account of food and Burger King). Food for thought, that is, about losers. And that’s what every single one of us is—unless Christ has saved us. Have you ever considered all the…

God’s Promises

Hard times. Difficult days. And a truly dismal tomorrow. Such was the sorry state of the people of Judah when God promised them that a bright and beautiful future lay ahead. He detailed numerous blessings and benefits that would be theirs, and then He gave the reason why: For I satisfy the weary ones and refresh everyone who languishes. (Jeremiah 31:25) By beginning…

Look to Christ

Eliab was incensed that his kid brother David—not yet old enough to even shave, much less join the army—had found a way to get to the battle front by bringing food provisions to his brothers. Of all the tricks! And now Eliab hears him asking for the details about all that King Saul had promised to whoever defeated Goliath! What a precocious little schmuck! Eliab doesn’t…

Positively Inclined

Positively inclined. Generally, we find ourselves positively inclined toward someone who is special to someone who is special to us. “Oh, you’re a friend of my friend so & so? Well, by all means, come on in! And now what can I do for you?” I think this is at the root of Paul’s appeal to Philemon on behalf of Onesimus. “Philemon, I have a special place in my heart for…